Homegrown Dried Mini Flower Bouquet


Mini dried flower bouquet perfect for adding to a gift or gracing a space in your home, the flowers are homegrown by me and friends!

Each bouquet is uniquely different, due to the nature of them you won’t be able to choose, I will be the one that I think you’ll like the best!!

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Mini dried flower bouquet perfect for adding to a gift or gracing a space in your home, the flowers are homegrown by me and friends!

Each bouquet is uniquely different, due to the nature of them you won’t be able to choose, I will be the one that I think you’ll like the best!!

Mini dried flower bouquet perfect for adding to a gift or gracing a space in your home, the flowers are homegrown by me and friends!

Each bouquet is uniquely different, due to the nature of them you won’t be able to choose, I will be the one that I think you’ll like the best!!